The James McGee Show

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The World Doesn’t Give a F..K

Happy New Year! I hope everyone reading this had a great holiday season and your 2024 turns out just as you plan.

If you woke up today and uttered the phrase “New Year, New Me”, go back to bed and try again. There is no new you, it’s the same old you. Why is that a bad thing? What’s wrong with the old you? There may be some goals you would like to achieve, but you still are the same great person you have always been. Write these goals down, along with a plan to reach them, a goal without a plan is merely a dream. There are no resolutions in 2024, there are only goals and strategic plans to achieve them. 

My name is James McGee, I come to you after 34 years of Law Enforcement and public service, 20 of those years at the Command and Executive Staff level. I’m not diving into my biography, it’s on my website if you are interested. My purpose isn’t to talk about myself and about “back in the day”. My day is long over and I wasn’t shit compared to a lot of people I know and served with.

I have had this vision for a long time. I look forward to sharing my experiences, successes, and of course my many failures with you. I had a great and rewarding career. I served with some top tier leaders and some really great, bad ass warriors.

In every profession or business, employees griping to each other is just part of it. Cops are no different. If there isn’t anything to gripe about, we will find something! About a year before I retired, the griping had reached another level. It was uncharacteristic of the men and women who comprised the division. To their defense, it was during Covid, it was a hard and unprecedented time. A lot of their spouses weren’t working due to the pandemic, schools and day cares were closed, it was a complete life change for everyone. On top of that, a lot of the off-duty jobs that Cops depend on to supplement their already low pay dried up. The worries and concerns were legitimate, but in their world distractions lead to people getting their asses shot off.

I called a meeting with the two ranks that had the most influence throughout the division, Sergeants and Senior Corporals. The theme of the meeting was “The World Doesn’t Give A  F..k”. I expressed my concern of what the results could be if we didn’t get a handle on it. I went on to tell them two stories: these were stories that only a few others besides me knew. One of them was of a young Deputy who had shown to be a rising star and the other was a leader with almost 20 years of experience. Both of them had horrific events that happened to them before the age of 5. The room went silent as I gave descriptive details. I had talked to both of them beforehand and asked their permission. Both of them were okay with me doing it, but with one condition; they wanted everyone to know that they never used it as a crutch, nor asked for anything they hadn’t earned because of it. That was exactly why those two people had accomplished everything they had. They knew at an early age the world didn’t give a f..k. Teachers weren't going to give them A’s because of it. They knew they wouldn't get into college or get a good job because of it. So they chose this route; they said to themselves, life dealt me a bad hand, cool. Then they moved on and lived the type of life both of their parents would have been proud of. I told that group we all have strife, we all have issues. There was one similarity in each of our issues; the world doesn’t give a f..k. I challenged them to embrace this reality and lead a culture change. As the great leaders they were, they did just that. 

It's very easy to get into ruts and feel sorry for yourself. I've been preaching against it for years but a few months ago I found myself doing the same damn thing. At 52 years old I was lying in the fetal position like a little bitch, moaning about how unfair life was. One day I realized what I was doing and had the same talk with myself. I gave myself the same brutal dose of reality that I had given them. Instead of whining, I started grinding. Instead of losing, I started winning.

The result is this blog and debut of the “James McGee Show” (mid January). 

The James McGee Show: 

My show will be unique, I will have several different shows under this one name and platform. I will not mix a bunch of different things into one show. That way listeners can pick the topic that interest them. 

The World Doesn't Give A F..K:

This show will feature persons and stories of those who faced their challenges head-on and took control of their lives. Persons who knew that nobody cared. Those who knew that they couldn’t go to the grocery store and tell the clerk that they had a rough childhood and they would  just give them their groceries for free. We were given this precious life, but that’s all. Nothing else is given, we have to go out and take what’s ours. Nobody owes us a damn thing. Yes, I said take and not earn. I will cover that in depth in the future. 

Look, Here’s The Deal:

On this show I will provide commentary on “real time” national events. The topics will include the following:

  • Policing in America, with an emphasis on use of force.

  • Second Amendment rights and the rights we, as American citizens, have to defend ourselves. 

  • Politics and Current Events. I will provide commentary on national politics and current, national events.

The Combat hour:

My love for the sport of MMA goes back over 25 years. I started watching The UFC and going to live events in 1997, before most people knew what MMA was. I also have a passion for Self Defense and combatives training. In this show I will cover MMA as a sport, combative and self defense training (civilian and law enforcement) and those who dedicate their lives to preparing others for combat.

Weekly Newsletter/Blog: 

At least once a week I will post a blog on this website (there is also a free email subscription option to receive it). I will give insight on upcoming shows and further expand on topics I covered in previous shows. It would be my pleasure if you joined me in this journey. 

Social Media: I will also be very active on all major Social Media platforms (Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc.). I will frequently post short videos and written posts that coincide with the theme of each of my shows. Please check my website for the information and consider following me.

Again, Happy New Year, I will see you soon!